Note: Users may reserve up to 3 hours in a study room per day.To expand a booking, please use the dropdown at the bottom of the screen to select the desired time. Creating reservations with 30 minute increments between reserations will be adjusted by the Circulation staff.
Seminar and meeting rooms at Ablah Library may be used for non-commercial, educational purposes that support the mission of WSU. Seminar rooms may be reserved between 1-4 students, staff, and/or faculy who have a valid WSU Shocker card for a maximum of 3 hours per day. Thirty minute gaps between reservations are prohibited and will be adjusted. The rooms have the following equipment available for use: USB cable and port, HDMI cable, VGA cable, Remote, Flat Screen TV, and Logitech camera and speaker.
Visit the Circulation Desk within 15 minutes of your reservation start time to check out the room key. Rooms are not available for regularly scheduled classes and standing reservations are not accepted for regular meetings. If your group does not need any of the equipment in the seminar room, please consider reserving a study room instead.