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Introduction to EndNote

Learn to use EndNote to upload citation data from library databases, create new citations in various citation styles, organize citations, and insert citations into a MS Word document. Registration is not required. See the Savvy Scholar guide for details.

Related LibGuide: Savvy Scholar Workshops by Fiona Holly

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Ablah Library
Savvy Scholar Workshop Series
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Aaron Bowen
Aaron Bowen

I am a reference and instruction librarian at Wichita State University. My subject areas are Health Sciences, Psychology, and Communications. My roles include providing information literacy instruction and assessment, offering reference and research consultation services, and acting as a library liaison in my subject areas. My specialties include LibGuide design, evidence-based practice instruction, and offering instruction on EndNote citation management software.

Profile photo of Angela Paul
Angela Paul
(316) 978-5084