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Scopus Webinar: The Basics

Learn how to search by topic, author, and affiliation; create citations alerts; do cited reference searching; and use citation metrics to assess impact of published research.

This webinar is open to all faculty, staff, and students. Select and register for one of four basic sessions and one of three advanced sessions planned during the first week of March.

Scopus is the largest interdisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and features smart tools to track, analyze, and visualize research. International in scope, the database includes over 71 million records and over 21,500 peer-reviewed journals (with over 4,200 full open access journals), over 360 trade publications, and articles-in-press from more than 5,000 publishers. Scopus also has records for more than 120,000 books, over 6 million conference papers, and patent records. One of its most important features is cited reference searching which allows users to identify how often and by whom an article has been cited. Scopus also has smart tools to track, analyze, and visualize global research.

Related LibGuide: Scopus by Meghann Kuhlmann

Friday, March 1, 2019
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Room 217
Ablah Library
Scopus Webinar
Registration has closed.

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Nicholas Wyant