Event box

Heard of systematic reviews, but not completely sure what they are, or how they differ from regular literature reviews? Join this session to learn what systematic reviews are and aren’t, what makes them systematic, how you can read and interpret them, and how you can write them. Learn why they are by many measures the fastest growing form of published scholarly research.

Related LibGuide: Savvy Scholar Workshops by Fiona Holly

Tuesday, April 8, 2025
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Digital Scholars Commons
Ablah Library
Savvy Scholar Workshop Series

Registration is required. There are 30 in-person seats available. There are 29 online seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Aaron Bowen
Aaron Bowen

I am a reference and instruction librarian at Wichita State University. My subject areas are Health Sciences, Psychology, and Communications. My roles include providing information literacy instruction and assessment, offering reference and research consultation services, and acting as a library liaison in my subject areas. My specialties include LibGuide design, evidence-based practice instruction, and offering instruction on EndNote citation management software.

Profile photo of Fiona Holly
Fiona Holly

Student Success Librarian and Assistant Professor

Ablah Library 122B
(316) 978-5017